The current stereotype, as if Atlanta with its skyscrapers — a city, seeking up, suddenly collapsed, showing a different phenomenon to the world.
In the very center of the capital there is a tempting place that Georgia’s state of Georgia is happy to visit his guests. At first glance, nothing special is expected — it seems to be an ordinary street … But if you take into account that it is located on the “zero floor” — underground, then immediately attracts the curious eyes of tourists and the capital’s inhabitants.
Undoubtedly, the underground city of Atlanta is worth to visit it at least once! An accurate copy of the usual street with sidewalks, shops, cafes and restaurants — unusually cute and impressive. If you were on business near the Olympic Park and the Coca-Cola Museum and are tired-you always have the opportunity to go downstairs and have fabulously lunch-like the famous Snow White in a cozy cave of gnomes.
You will not succeed in returning to the Atlantean hotels with empty hands: like a pantry of gnomes, the dungeon is replete with souvenir shops with a rich assortment of elegant and delightful crafts, from which neither children nor adults can look away. You can weigh on the scales of comparisons — Upper and Lower — you can if you purchase a flights from Moscow — Atlanta.