The leading world social network Facebook officially announced several main factors that allow her to determine whether this or that message will fall into the user’s news feed or not. Retargeting in the Facebook Exchange system, which allows you to demonstrate advertising to users of the social network Facebook, which have visited the advertiser’s website showed the first results. Many components and metrics were radically changed, which did not please those who were already used to the traditional structure of displaying data on attendance. Facebook revealed four main factors that determine whether one or another message will fall into the user news feed, and, therefore, determine the coverage of branded pages on Facebook. According to the publication, now some users see the mentioned news block. The fact is that robots can index only those pages that are located 3 clicks from the main page of the site. Galaxy Note smartphone will begin to be sold in November at a price of 751 euros. The configuration of the younger model is much more modest. Not so long ago, the Seamicro company introduced a web server based on Intel Atom chips. This is the first and last apparatus of the Finnish corporation under the control of Meego 1 OS. 2.
The start date of the computer sales in Russia is not called. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 tablet. Ivy Bridge will be the first Intel microchips produced using 22-nanometer technology using the innovative Tri-Gate technique. Finally, the four-core Core i7-2600 will be equipped with support for Hyper-Threading and 8 MB Kesha L3. The new PlayStation Portable will be equipped with two cameras — on the front and rear panel. Facebook remains the most attractive technological company in the world. Each subject informed the researchers about how often he uses Facebook, how much he spends on average on a social network, as well as what he is doing there. The social network Facebook has long outgred its original function of a simple platform for communication in the World Wide Web and continues to replenish the list of its capabilities with all new options. Facebook has not yet disclosed information about countries whose inhabitants can test the updated social network interface. Speaking at a conference in San Francisco, Tsuckerberg also first commented on the fall in the shares of his company. Instead, the company is going to charge payment only for brand advertising. Is the situation in this way really cannot be said, since Microsoft and Facebook are still refused to comment on the received information. Recall that in early October, Zynga Inc disappointed investors by reducing the annual forecast of profit due to the weak indicators of their games and the forced write -off of the previously acquired asset. However, the court did not take into account these arguments, noting that people should understand how serious there may be the consequences of hacking sites such as Facebook. The duration of the autonomous operation of the tablet reaches 10 hours. Patterson also added that the new function is one of the easiest ways to exchange contact information with a large number of people.