The results of the next counting of Russian Interneters are not quite comforting. Given the Google tradition, to appropriate the fish names with their devices, lovers of conspiracy the conclusion concluded: the prototype LG and there is a new Google. For example, Nielsen, according to CNews, also expands the presence in Russia by attracting new sites to its network. It’s funny, but disposable — Fenka is just a way to plant on the needle. This is the original 2. 0 Product of an unknown company of the audio tide widely. The web development will take from 160 to 200 million dollars. A number of previously disconnected television channels on October 20 were again connected, but the broadcasting of the ORT television channels, the RTV and a number of others are still limited. Until the summer of 2007, the number of Internet users in Russia grew steadily, but later a sharp decline was seen.
The penalty for Alexander Maz was later challenged by the prosecutor’s office. The share of Runet in the country’s GDP, according to Kuzminov, is now 1%. According to the first deputy director of the FSB, Western special services create bases in countries where they want to conduct activity aimed at overthrowing the regime. The results of the study also indicate an increase in the number of Russians who have Internet access from home — there are 5 percent more. Milner as a curator will have to do a lot of work, and he will have to provide a report on August-September of the current year. At the same time, the first domain for our Internet appeared 4 years earlier than September 19, 1990, Relkom and Demos, on behalf of Soviet Unix Users Group, registered the domain. After the statement made, famous Runet figures began to act one after another. The United States rose from 50, 1% to third place from the fifth place. They not only enlarged, but also orientated to various audiences (ordinary Internet users, professionals, Russian Internet gurus). Their responsibility will impede the distribution of extremist sentiments in the network, RuFormator reports. Also in Runet, another budget air carrier of Aviation is now presented, who offers flights on A320 Airbus aircraft at prices from 250 rubles. In third place — cancer, previously occupied higher positions.