The foamed PVC plastics are conditionally divided into two types — “freely” foamed sheet materials that have a homogeneous structure according to the thickness of the sheet, and produced using so -sectrusia technology, or extrusion through special “calibrators”, due to which the surface of the sheet becomes more dense, close in medium density to to Hard PVC. Foamed plastic with uniformly distributed conditionally equal in size closed air cells is widely used in advertising and construction due to the good -given heat transfer resistance, a small coefficient of linear thermal expansion, low water absorption, dielectric properties, resistance to aggressive media and UFs of the sun and light processing (drilling, drilling, drilling. sawing, milling, engraving, lamination, lacquering, stencil printing, etc. D.). Having a heterogeneous structure of foamed PVC, the price of which is slightly larger than the cost of freely foamed materials, is used in the automotive industry, for external cladding of buildings, decoration of premises with high humidity. Any foamed PVC can be bought in the domestic market, both foreign and Russian production, and Russian plastics are usually cheaper than imported ones, although they are not inferior to them in quality.
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