It is difficult to start.
If you know how to earn on the Internet and earn it in it, then on this site you will not find anything interesting for yourself. It contains information useful for those who do not know what earnings are on the network. Earnings on the Internet, this is a reality, I think this you already know without me and ways to receive income on Line quite a lot. But do not believe those who promise space profit almost instantly. “Pay me a couple of thousand and tomorrow you are a millionaire,” they say. Remember, all types of earnings on the network require a lot of work, and those who think that by pressing a couple of keys, and by moving the cursor with the mouse, they will receive a sea of cash, they are very mistaken. This is hard work. But work for himself, not an uncle. And only it depends on you how fascinating and productive it will be. All responsibility for the time spent and money will also be for you. Therefore, think, maybe his earnings on the Internet, much easier came to work, left eight hours and home. A month has passed, get a salary. And everything is OKAY. Here is such a dilemma. For those who still decided to try, or at least find out more about this form of receipt of income. At the moment, I am interested in the following questions — this is the creation of a blog and earnings on it. . In order to find out what it is — earnings on a blog, first you need to create it. It is written here to create it here by hand by manually in the HTML hypertext marking language or in the script language of PHP programming, which serves to create Web pages, or using the system control systems (engines), which exist in a huge number of both paid and non -paid ones, they They allow you to create a site as a toy in the constructor, that is, create from already finished parts, and not make each part separately, and only then collect a page from them Web. We will consider the easiest option to create a blog, creating a WordPress engine, this is described in the heading of the creation of a blog. After we created it, you need to start filling it with quality content (content is the contents of the blog: posts or articles), for this we write it ourselves or order freelancers. The number of posts should be at least 75, each one and a half thousand signs, more desirable, less not. In parallel with the filling of the blog content, you need to engage in its internal optimization. Which includes the tigs between the pages, headings and posts of the blog. There are special plugins of Terms Descriptions, Blogglue for taging blogs