Calabria is the southern part of mainland Italy. The region is famous for the difficult to accessible mountains, lakes, relict forests, as well as amazingly picturesque sea landscapes.
The administrative center of the region is Regino Di Calabria. A few kilometers from the city is the mythological rock of Scylla and Haribda, covering the entrance to the strait for large ships.
Kalabria real estate attracts the attention of tourists because there are many beaches of amazing beauty and purity, which makes a vacation in Calabria amazingly entertaining. Calabria is famous for long -livers. Here people are constantly surrounded by unrealistically blue sea, rocky mountains and green forests with tiled city roofs.
Not far from the Ionian Sea is the capital of Calabria — Katansaro. This city has Byzantine roots. The city reached the economic dawn thanks to art and its masters who made silk products. In the XI century, the Normans won Katansaro. Later, the city went into the subordination of the German dynasty of Svevo and the Aragonians. Responses from the past to this day attract the attention of vacationing tourists. Until 1860, life in the city was restless and stood out by constant patriotic movements and riots.