Over the past decade, elegant and stylish tiles have practically replaced the “sowing” slate from the domestic market. She became an indispensable attribute of almost all new buildings. However, it is known that there are several types of tiles, which are radically differed among themselves with qualitative parameters, period and operating conditions and their price. Help to figure out which types of tiles are represented on the domestic market, as well as what is common in them, and how they differ from each other and this material is intended.
Ceramic (clay) tiles belongs to the category of elite roofing materials that practically do not need to care. It does not accumulate electrostatic charges, withstands high loads (the maximum point load is 250 kg), does not burn and prevents the spread of flame.
Ceramic tile roofing is convenient in operation and maintenance. Most manufacturers of ceramic tiles give a guarantee for 30 years, although, according to experts, its durability significantly exceeds the period of 100 years. At the same time, the aesthetic roof of ceramic tiles has a number of disadvantages, namely: a large mass (from 40 kg/m2), which determines the need to strengthen the supporting structures of the roof; complexity and high cost of installation; its delicacy and not too high impact resistance; high, in comparison with other types of tiles, the price (from 15 at. A. /m2).
Cement-sand tiles are made of cement, natural quartz sand and pigments based on iron oxide. The roof made of such tiles is quite convenient to operate and maintain, and its durability is 50 years. The warranty period in most cases, as well as that of ceramic tiles, is 30 years. The main advantage of cement-sand tiles in front of ceramic is its low price. Among the shortcomings, except for the high mass of tiles and its low impact resistance, the porosity of the material should be separately noted, which causes low frost resistance and creates the risk of a possible flowering of the roof.
However, the last decade the most popular roofing material in Russia remains metal tile, in comparison with ceramic and cement-sand tiles, has both advantages and disadvantages. The material that consists of a metal tile is a metal (for example, galvanized steel) with a polymer protective coating. The main advantages of the metal tile include its low price, small mass (10 times lower than the mass of ceramic and cement-sand tiles), and, consequently, the simplicity of installation. However, she also has disadvantages.
So, it has a very high thermal conductivity, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of condensate on the lower surface of the sheets, determines the need for additional thermal insulation and the use of high -quality subcutaneous films. Also, the metal tile has not very good sound insulation. In addition, the metal tile is unstable to corrosion in places of damage to the protective coating, the process of chemical and electrochemical corrosion occurs (this is especially noticeable in areas with a wet climate).
Another important point in which you need to pay attention is the need to install a lightning rod if the roof is covered with a metal tank. This is due to the fact that it accumulates electrostatic charges. At the same time, metal tiles are fireproof material. The manufacturer’s guarantee for a regular metal tile is on average 5 years, and its durability is 10-15 years, which is several times less than that of ceramic and cement-sand tiles.
However, recently, the Finnish metal tile Ruukki with completely new coating materials has gained more and more popularity on the market, only the warranty period from the manufacturer for which reaches 50 years! We recommend that you contact the official Ruukki dealer in Moscow.
The bitumen (or, as it is also called, soft) has a mass that is approximately similar to a mass of metal tiles-4-6 kg/m2, however, there are a number of characteristics that make it attractive. Since the bitumen tile is attached to the OSB plate, that is, a continuous wooden flooring, it has low thermal conductivity, as well as good sound insulation.
According to experts, the growth of tiles on the domestic market on average is 25-30% per year. At the same time, segments of metal tiles grow the fastest, as well as more expensive ceramic and cement-sand tiles.
And less and less buyers prefer cheap samples of metal tiles of unknown origin, switching to products of well -known manufacturers with a good reputation. This allows you to predict for the next few years the tendency of a gradual change in the priority criterion for the choice of tiles from its price quality, which, undoubtedly, will have a positive effect on the domestic market for roofing materials.